Guardians of History Call on Gov. Youngkin to Suspend U.Va.’s Woke Walking Tours
by Robert L. Pyles, MD
August 2024
VICTORY! 8/30/24 - The University of Virginia suspends Woke walking tours.
UPDATE 8/21/24 - There was no response from Governor Youngkin’s office or the University of Virginia.
Dear Governor Youngkin,
First of all, I want to congratulate you especially for the two groundbreaking initiatives you have just announced for the state of Virginia - the measures to ensure legal voting, and the innovative efforts to provide clean energy. You are definitely leading the way and I hope governors of other states will follow.
I was also pleased to see that your Administration has set aside 20 million dollars for the “Virginia 250 Preservation Fund” to support improvement in historic sites, in preparation for the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Your effort comes at an especially crucial time. As I am sure you are well aware, the historical foundations of our country are under coordinated and continuous assault. Our monuments are being torn down, our governmental buildings are being defaced, and our Founding Fathers are being slandered and defamed.
Worst of all, the real goal of these efforts, seems to be to destroy the very foundations of our liberty and freedom - The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and our Constitution, written largely by James Madison.
The tours at Monticello and Montpelier (and Williamsburg also) have been taken over by “woke” left-wing political groups, who are emphasizing the issue of slavery, almost to the total exclusion of the fact that these men wrote two of the most important documents in the entire history of human freedom. The historical context of the almost universal existence of slavery throughout the world at that time is being ignored, as are the efforts of these men to push back against the practice.
In addition, in the case of Jefferson, he is being falsely charged with a long-term sexual relationship with one of his slaves, a charge almost entirely disproved by the only truly scientific study on the issue, “The Report of the Scholars Commission”, chaired by the eminent University of Virginia Professor of Law, Robert F. Turner. Please see my exhaustive research in ten installments on the various wrongful attacks on Jefferson here.
As you know, the University of Virginia was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819. These slanders are unfortunately being repeated in the tours at the University, which are largely conducted by students, based on a 500-page information book, much of which contains false information. There have been a number of reports of families deciding against being involved with the University, based on information in the walking tours which they understandably find odious.
Governor Youngkin, I represent an organization called “The Guardians of History”, and it is our mission to push back against these groups who are trying to damage our country and our history with lies and misrepresentations. Please see our many articles on the reckless and dangerous assault on our heritage here.
I should also mention that I grew up in Shadwell, Jefferson’s birthplace, and attended U.Va. and Harvard Medical School. My brother, a prominent DC lawyer, is a U.Va. graduate as well, as are two of my children, who are also lawyers.
Since the University of Virginia is an official state school, we are appealing to you, to use your good offices, to suspend the tours at the University, until an independent commission can investigate the political forces that have resulted in such an unfortunate and destructive outcome, and recommend an appropriate resolution.
I could not agree with you more, that especially in Virginia, “It is our responsibility as stewards of American history.”
Thank you for your consideration,
Robert L. Pyles MD
Among other credits, Dr. Pyles served as President of the American Psychoanalytic Association and was awarded the honor of “Distinguished Life Fellow” of the American Psychiatric Association.
by Robert L. Pyles, MD
August 2024
VICTORY! 8/30/24 - The University of Virginia suspends Woke walking tours.
UPDATE 8/21/24 - There was no response from Governor Youngkin’s office or the University of Virginia.
Dear Governor Youngkin,
First of all, I want to congratulate you especially for the two groundbreaking initiatives you have just announced for the state of Virginia - the measures to ensure legal voting, and the innovative efforts to provide clean energy. You are definitely leading the way and I hope governors of other states will follow.
I was also pleased to see that your Administration has set aside 20 million dollars for the “Virginia 250 Preservation Fund” to support improvement in historic sites, in preparation for the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Your effort comes at an especially crucial time. As I am sure you are well aware, the historical foundations of our country are under coordinated and continuous assault. Our monuments are being torn down, our governmental buildings are being defaced, and our Founding Fathers are being slandered and defamed.
Worst of all, the real goal of these efforts, seems to be to destroy the very foundations of our liberty and freedom - The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and our Constitution, written largely by James Madison.
The tours at Monticello and Montpelier (and Williamsburg also) have been taken over by “woke” left-wing political groups, who are emphasizing the issue of slavery, almost to the total exclusion of the fact that these men wrote two of the most important documents in the entire history of human freedom. The historical context of the almost universal existence of slavery throughout the world at that time is being ignored, as are the efforts of these men to push back against the practice.
In addition, in the case of Jefferson, he is being falsely charged with a long-term sexual relationship with one of his slaves, a charge almost entirely disproved by the only truly scientific study on the issue, “The Report of the Scholars Commission”, chaired by the eminent University of Virginia Professor of Law, Robert F. Turner. Please see my exhaustive research in ten installments on the various wrongful attacks on Jefferson here.
As you know, the University of Virginia was founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819. These slanders are unfortunately being repeated in the tours at the University, which are largely conducted by students, based on a 500-page information book, much of which contains false information. There have been a number of reports of families deciding against being involved with the University, based on information in the walking tours which they understandably find odious.
Governor Youngkin, I represent an organization called “The Guardians of History”, and it is our mission to push back against these groups who are trying to damage our country and our history with lies and misrepresentations. Please see our many articles on the reckless and dangerous assault on our heritage here.
I should also mention that I grew up in Shadwell, Jefferson’s birthplace, and attended U.Va. and Harvard Medical School. My brother, a prominent DC lawyer, is a U.Va. graduate as well, as are two of my children, who are also lawyers.
Since the University of Virginia is an official state school, we are appealing to you, to use your good offices, to suspend the tours at the University, until an independent commission can investigate the political forces that have resulted in such an unfortunate and destructive outcome, and recommend an appropriate resolution.
I could not agree with you more, that especially in Virginia, “It is our responsibility as stewards of American history.”
Thank you for your consideration,
Robert L. Pyles MD
Among other credits, Dr. Pyles served as President of the American Psychoanalytic Association and was awarded the honor of “Distinguished Life Fellow” of the American Psychiatric Association.