Obliterate History, Obliterate America
By Claudia Henneberry
June 2024
Part One
Part Two
The Wrong Side of History
Those who control the narrative in America - anti-American politicians, the media, government education, higher education - are hard at work erasing our shining city upon a hill and beacon of hope to the world.
“And it is no coincidence that those most driven to disparage their country’s history are also those most hostile to liberty.” (James S. Robbins, Erasing America: Losing Our Future by Destroying Our Past (p. 264)
Billions are being spent to ‘reimagine our history.’ David Rubenstein, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, and the federal government, among others, are responsible for funding revisionist American history at our historic sites.
The brilliantly prophetic George Orwell made clear, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
The American Left is in the process of changing the historical landscape by obliterating true history, just as the communist regimes in China and Russia and Nazi (i.e., National Socialist) Germany succeeded in doing. So, why is erasing and changing America’s history a bad idea?
James S. Robbins, in his book, Erasing America: Losing Our Future By Destroying Our Past, (pp.4-5), tells us that “History is also the storehouse of meaning and the wellspring of inspiration. The past is where we find our heroes and heroines, our stories of struggle and triumph. We look back to see forward, to trace our national destiny, to reinforce the idea that America has a purpose.”
Robbins emphasizes the appreciation of history as key to national unity - “An appreciation of this history promotes national unity. From our past we derive a common historical language and shared beliefs about what being an American means. These unite our people and integrate newcomers.”
Lessons to learn, shared beliefs, inspiration, and national unity. These are the reasons why we need to preserve America’s true history. We must stand firmly against every attempt to disparage or destroy America’s heritage because, as the story of American greatness is erased, so is America herself.
By Claudia Henneberry
June 2024
Part One
Part Two
The Wrong Side of History
Those who control the narrative in America - anti-American politicians, the media, government education, higher education - are hard at work erasing our shining city upon a hill and beacon of hope to the world.
- Only 18% of colleges and universities require a course in American history or government
- Students are no longer taught that America is exceptional
- Divisive identity politics are being taught instead of the idea of the American melting pot. Symbols like flags are being re-interpreted
- The Constitution is being taught as a document of ‘negative rights’ that constrain the beneficence of government and ‘only for white men’
- America’s border has lawlessly been erased by politicians who hate the rule of law
- When a bridge was toppled by an errant barge, the media goes after Francis Scott Key who wrote our national anthem
“And it is no coincidence that those most driven to disparage their country’s history are also those most hostile to liberty.” (James S. Robbins, Erasing America: Losing Our Future by Destroying Our Past (p. 264)
Billions are being spent to ‘reimagine our history.’ David Rubenstein, the Andrew Mellon Foundation, and the federal government, among others, are responsible for funding revisionist American history at our historic sites.
- Social justice is the main ingredient at many historic locations
- Statues and monuments memorializing heroic Americans or events are being demolished or removed from the public
- Gender studies dominate at Colonial Williamsburg
- Presidents George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and many other Founders are being stripped of their accomplishments and castigated as simply slave-holders and white nationalists
The brilliantly prophetic George Orwell made clear, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
The American Left is in the process of changing the historical landscape by obliterating true history, just as the communist regimes in China and Russia and Nazi (i.e., National Socialist) Germany succeeded in doing. So, why is erasing and changing America’s history a bad idea?
James S. Robbins, in his book, Erasing America: Losing Our Future By Destroying Our Past, (pp.4-5), tells us that “History is also the storehouse of meaning and the wellspring of inspiration. The past is where we find our heroes and heroines, our stories of struggle and triumph. We look back to see forward, to trace our national destiny, to reinforce the idea that America has a purpose.”
Robbins emphasizes the appreciation of history as key to national unity - “An appreciation of this history promotes national unity. From our past we derive a common historical language and shared beliefs about what being an American means. These unite our people and integrate newcomers.”
Lessons to learn, shared beliefs, inspiration, and national unity. These are the reasons why we need to preserve America’s true history. We must stand firmly against every attempt to disparage or destroy America’s heritage because, as the story of American greatness is erased, so is America herself.