Shame on Protesters Shouting ‘Death to America’
Memorial Day - May 2024
Memorial Day is a good time to remember that people have fought and died throughout our history for the ideals this country represents. Shame on those who dishonor their memory. You’re taking an awful lot for granted.
Shame on Anti-Israel protesters who vandalized a statue of George Washington on the George Washington University (GWU) campus in Washington, DC, draping the statue with a Palestinian flag, plastering it with pro-terrorist stickers, and spray-painting the words “Genocidal Warmongering University” at the base of the statue and across the top half of the statue’s plaque.
“RINO AZ Election Official Who Sued Kari Lake Shows His Disgust for US Constitution – Says The First Amendment is “The Biggest Threat to Elections and Democracy, Suggests Restrictions on Free Speech in FOIA’d Emails”
Woke mob want to rename wrecked Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore
West Point takes ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ out of mission statement, but it’s OK: it had become false advertising, anyway
Fragile Americans triggered by their own flag
Fight over Columbus Statue in Pittsburgh Continues
Politico reporter trashes American thought, can’t stomach the idea our rights come from natural law (God).
If you’re going to lecture us on history, at least get your facts straight: commentator believes Presidents Day doesn’t have anything to do with Abraham Lincoln, but the National Archives website clearly states the holiday honors both Washington and Lincoln. This was widely when the Washington and Lincoln holidays were replaced with Presidents Day. The commentator claims Presidents Day (plural) only honors Washington (singular). How stupid can you be?
Washington Post reporter idiotically blames retail theft on capitalism and claims America sits on ‘stolen land’
MSNBC analyst trashes free speech
Virginia Tech soccer player vindicated for standing for the National Anthem and not taking a knee to please the Woke Mob - her coach berated her and cut her playing time. But she who cashes a $100,000 settlement check laughs last and best.
Memorial Day - May 2024
Memorial Day is a good time to remember that people have fought and died throughout our history for the ideals this country represents. Shame on those who dishonor their memory. You’re taking an awful lot for granted.
Shame on Anti-Israel protesters who vandalized a statue of George Washington on the George Washington University (GWU) campus in Washington, DC, draping the statue with a Palestinian flag, plastering it with pro-terrorist stickers, and spray-painting the words “Genocidal Warmongering University” at the base of the statue and across the top half of the statue’s plaque.
- Well, after all, it takes extraordinary courage to attack a statue!!
- In New York City, protesters burned the American flag and vandalized a World War I memorial
- Protesters in Michigan and elsewhere chanted “Death to America”
- Several Michigan Democrats Fail To Condemn ‘Death To America’ Chants. It figures. The insane self-loathing Democrats have become the party that hates America.
- Kudos to those who stood up to the anti-American mobs:
“RINO AZ Election Official Who Sued Kari Lake Shows His Disgust for US Constitution – Says The First Amendment is “The Biggest Threat to Elections and Democracy, Suggests Restrictions on Free Speech in FOIA’d Emails”
- The most depressing part of this story is that it's no longer surprising to hear that a Republican official is anti-free speech and accepts Soros money.
Woke mob want to rename wrecked Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore
- Key was a slave owner, but so were entire American Indian tribes. Where’s the outrage over that? Spare me your selective outrage; it’s a game to beat up America with a club they think that works. When one club stops working, they’ll pick up another club to beat people up with. They’re Leftists. It’s what they do.
West Point takes ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ out of mission statement, but it’s OK: it had become false advertising, anyway
Fragile Americans triggered by their own flag
- God help us all! The greatest generation died for the American flag, and now their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are emotionally distressed by the sight of it. Shame on the complainers and the venue for caving!
Fight over Columbus Statue in Pittsburgh Continues
- If you don’t want to live in a country because of the man who discovered it, then leave! Go find somewhere more to your liking and get your mitts off our heritage!
- And don’t come here in the first place if your aim is to speechify in front of burned American flags
Politico reporter trashes American thought, can’t stomach the idea our rights come from natural law (God).
- Better natural law theory than ‘rights’ the government grants one minute only to take them away the next
- Read PTP’s Instant Graduate Degree in Political Science for a refresher on the American Idea.
If you’re going to lecture us on history, at least get your facts straight: commentator believes Presidents Day doesn’t have anything to do with Abraham Lincoln, but the National Archives website clearly states the holiday honors both Washington and Lincoln. This was widely when the Washington and Lincoln holidays were replaced with Presidents Day. The commentator claims Presidents Day (plural) only honors Washington (singular). How stupid can you be?
Washington Post reporter idiotically blames retail theft on capitalism and claims America sits on ‘stolen land’
- Hate America First - This country’s been very good to you. You’re an ingrate.
- By your reasoning, the Washington Post headquarters was built on ‘stolen land’. If it weren’t for ‘stolen land’, you wouldn’t have an office. Give it back!
- This club isn’t working any more. Time to find some new shtick.
MSNBC analyst trashes free speech
- The analyst is a hypocrite - using First Amendment freedom of the press to trash the First Amendment. ‘Free speech for me but not for thee.’
- You don’t want people to have free speech rights? OK, let’s start with yours!
- This is just the latest in a full-out assault on the First Amendment by our Leftist wannabe oppressors who would like nothing better than to shut everybody else up and silence all opposition to their insane ideas.
Virginia Tech soccer player vindicated for standing for the National Anthem and not taking a knee to please the Woke Mob - her coach berated her and cut her playing time. But she who cashes a $100,000 settlement check laughs last and best.