What If You Had No Right to Life, Liberty, or Property?
by Potomac Tea Party
May 2018
You would be caught up in what South Africa is becoming, that’s what. Violence against white farmers is increasing, with many killed. The country’s leaders sing songs praising genocide. The Parliament voted to expropriate farm land without just compensation. South Africa is descending into a collectivist nightmare of totalitarian government and dysfunctional state-directed economics. South Africa, unfortunately, is well on its way to becoming another Zimbabwe basket case – all because there is something wrong with the way they think.
Contrast the turn of events in South Africa with America’s tradition of individual rights and its underlying philosophy of elevating the individual to prime importance. Job One of government in America is to protect individuals and their rights.
Now consider the Tea Party core values of limited government under the Constitution and free markets, and ask yourself this: which way of thinking is more sustainable and humane? Would you really prefer to be living in South Africa at the moment?
It’s currently the fashion to trash the U.S. Constitution, but where would we be without it? What else stands between you and the mob talking your life, liberty, and property?
More on the South Africa situation here – article video
by Potomac Tea Party
May 2018
You would be caught up in what South Africa is becoming, that’s what. Violence against white farmers is increasing, with many killed. The country’s leaders sing songs praising genocide. The Parliament voted to expropriate farm land without just compensation. South Africa is descending into a collectivist nightmare of totalitarian government and dysfunctional state-directed economics. South Africa, unfortunately, is well on its way to becoming another Zimbabwe basket case – all because there is something wrong with the way they think.
Contrast the turn of events in South Africa with America’s tradition of individual rights and its underlying philosophy of elevating the individual to prime importance. Job One of government in America is to protect individuals and their rights.
Now consider the Tea Party core values of limited government under the Constitution and free markets, and ask yourself this: which way of thinking is more sustainable and humane? Would you really prefer to be living in South Africa at the moment?
It’s currently the fashion to trash the U.S. Constitution, but where would we be without it? What else stands between you and the mob talking your life, liberty, and property?
More on the South Africa situation here – article video